Blog 12

Blog 12

When reading Julie Becker’s article, “Life’s Stories” there were multiple cases where I stopped and thought about what exactly was going on and it made me take a step back and apply each sentence to my life. Especially when Becker stated “The redemption story is American optimism-things will get better!-and American exceptionalism-I can make things better!” Becker goes on to explain positive meaning in negative events. This is something very important to me, I believe having a positive outlook can create a major impact on what is going on in one’s life. I try to go about my life in a very positive way but then Becker begins to explain the downside, and even though it is a valid point I disagree and her quote resonates with me as I believe positivity is the most important thing in life. Becker explains “The trouble comes when reception isn’t possible. The redemptive American tale is one of privilege, and for those who can’t control their circumstances, and have little reason to believe things will get better, it can be an illogical and unattainable choice.” As much as I agree I still disagree, just because the outcome is not what was assumed there may always be a worse alternative, whether it is acknowledged or not. In my opinion just by keeping your attitude up it will impact you in a positive way. Another quote that made me sit up a bit taller was when Becker explains “the things I tell you become more accessible to me and more memorable to me.” This statement caused me to think about myself as I do this constantly. When explaining a story or situation you want people to know this best part, this means that one awesome moment become the main point in your story which then makes this one particular moment that is within an entire memory becomes the most memorable. I find this very relatable and interesting as I feel this quote is extremely common in story telling between people.

3 thoughts on “Blog 12

  1. Hi! Great Job! I really like how in your life you try to keep everything positive. This is very difficult to do when the world is full of negative energy. I agree with your theory that keeping a positive attitude will change your outlook on life.

  2. The last quote you used really stood out to me. Before reading that, I never thought about it in that way. I completely agree with that statement and I too reflect on myself looking back on that quote. I think it is always good to tell a story which benefits both people in the scenario.

  3. I, too, love storytelling that helps point a lantern toward a possibility or a positive path forward. I love stories that celebrate and/or savor. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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